$148.00 CAD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

The Business of Flowers

This course contains all of the information, tools, skills and knowledge to build and grow your own successful event floral business. 

You will gain full access to the following modules which includes 50+ lessons:

Module 1: Intro to Flowers

Module 2: Behind the Flowers - Business Basics

Module 3: Floral Design

Module 4: Packing & Transporting Flowers

Module 5: Building & Managing a Team

Module 6: Marketing & Sales

Module 7: Social Media & Your Brand

Module 8: Personal & Business Growth

Module 9: Design Techniques for Weddings & Events

Module 10: Hot Flower Trends that we Love!

BONUS: XO’s Fav Blooms!

Access to our Community Forum. Our Community Forum is a space for all our clients to share ideas, brainstorm & ask questions. Christine & Lindsey will pop into the forum to answer questions. 

This is a self-study course based entirely online. You will get access to the entire course all at once.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certification that states you have the skills & knowledge to be an event florist.